Monday, April 16, 2012

Chapter 9 Training Your Dog

so he begins to learn what is and isn’t acceptable in
your home. Th ere are several training methods you can use, but
one of the most powerful methods is positive reinforcement.
Most dogs love food. Grab a particularly delicious treat, and use
this to reward your dog for doing the right thing. If you own a
dog who is a fussy eater, he may prefer praise or a game of ball
when he does what you ask of him. Th e theory behind positive reinforcement
training is that any behavior that is rewarded is likely
to be repeated. One common example is when your dog jumps
up. If you give him a hug every time he jumps on you, he is being
rewarded for doing it, so he’ll continue jumping up on you.
hen you adopt a new dog, you must start training him immeadiately

Basic Guidelines for Dog Training

the reward is the behavior that he is going to repeat. So, if you

very exciting, such as your backyard. Th is reduces the opportunity
for your dog to get distracted. As he becomes more reliable,
gradually move to a more distractable areas, so he learns to obey
you even if there’s something interesting happening nearby.
. Start training a new behavior in a location that is not

Short sessions
benefi cial than a single one hour session when it comes to training
your dog, and it usually is easier to fi t into your lifestyle.
. Several fi ve minute sessions a day are much more

Be careful with commands
rather than a multi-word phrase for each behavior you
would like to teach him. For example, tell your dog to “sit”, rather
than “sit down right now”. Also, to a dog, “sit” is a completely
diff erent command than “sit, sit, sit!”. Choose one word for each
behavior, and stick with it.
. Use a short, easy to remember command,

your dog each time you train him. Th at way you’ll get the most
out of each session, and he won’t become confused. Make sure all
members of the family use the same command for the same behavior.
You may want to create a list of the commands that your
dog is learning and pin it to the wall, so everyone can become
familiar and re-read them as needed.

Use shaping
straight away. It’s fi ne to reward a behavior close to what you want
him to do, so he gets the general idea. From there, you can then
only reward behaviors that are closer to what you want him to do.
Th ere are dog training clubs in most regions that would only be
too happy to help you train your dog. If you’re having trouble
with training, do contact them before things become too bad.

Leash Training
In many areas, the law requires you to walk your dog on a leash.
Leash training should start straight away when you bring your
dog home. Depending on their background, older dogs may take
a longer time to become used to wearing a leash, but all dogs can
learn to behave nicely while they are being walked.
Dogs are like people in that some learn faster than others. Don’t
be frustrated if your dog takes a little while to learn to walk on a
leash, just continue your training and he will get there. Never hit
or yell at your dog while he is learning, and don’t jerk on the leash;
it won’t help him learn any quicker.
Th ere are many diff erent types of leash and collar combinations
available. Most dog trainers recommend a fl at fabric leash which
is comfortable to hold, and one that is four to six feet in length.
Use a fl at collar on your dog when you are training him; choke
chains or prong collars can be harmful in the hands of inexperienced
If you own a particularly boisterous dog, you may want to try a
head halter. Th ese have a combined loop around your dog’s muzzle
and collar around his neck, and will gently control his head as
you train him. It’s similar to a halter that is used to walk a horse.
Th ere are five main steps to getting your dog used to being on a

1. Put the leash and collar on him, and give him his meal. The
leash is unlikely to bother him as he eats, and he’ll also start to associate
the leash with something enjoyable.

2. Let him walk around the house with the leash attached, so he
gets used to feeling a little weight on him. Take him outside into
your yard as the grass will off er more resistance as he pulls the
leash around.

3. As your dog walks around dragging the leash, occasionally pick
it up and walk beside him, so he gets used to you being near him.
Keep it positive, with praise and treats as he walks.

4. When your dog is comfortable having the leash on, use a treat
to encourage him to walk with you. Most trainers teach their dog
to walk on their left side. Th is is just convention, and there’s no
reason not to walk your dog on your right side if it’s more comfortable
for you.

5. As your dog becomes more familiar with you walking with him
on leash, he may try to surge ahead. If he does this, do a quick
clockwise turn, encouraging him around with you and rewarding
him when he is again beside you. Again, short but frequent sessions
are most productive, and your dog will soon learn that he
needs to walk next to you to earn a reward.

Training your rescue dog is an investment in your future together.
It means that you’ll avoid the stress of a badly behaved dog, and
he’ll have the security of knowing what’s expected of him. Training
is also a good opportunity to give your dog the kind of mental exercise
he needs to thrive. Best of all, training is a natural bonding
opportunity, where you can demonstrate leadership and your dog
can learn to become comfortable following your lead.
. Sometimes your dog won’t learn the right behavior
. Be clear in your mind what you are trying to teach

ask your dog to sit, and he obeys, give him a treat. But, if he gets
excited and jumps on you to get the treat, make sure he sits again
before he is rewarded. Otherwise you’re training him to jump.
You can use a clicker to mark the exact behavior you want, and
this is often easier than trying to get a treat into the right position
at the right time. Your dog can learn that the click means a treat is
coming, and you can be much more accurate with your timing.
. Whatever your dog is doing at the time you give him

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