Friday, October 7, 2011

Prepare your home before you leave

Clean out food from your refrigerator that may spoil while you are gone. Don’t leave dirty dishes in the sink that could attract pests or interfere with our work. Take out the garbage.
 * Move valuables away from windows so that they can’t be seen from the outside. Do not leave keys in deadbolt locks especially if the front door contains a window.
• Put away bikes, outdoor toys, grills, lawn furniture, etc. that may be easily stolen.
• Consider leaving some lights on timers or let your sitter alternate lights inside your house.
• If you are traveling during a season where extreme weather is a possibility, arrange for a neighbor to care for your pet in case of an emergency where we are unable to make a visit. Be sure to give us your neighbor’s name and telephone number.
• Inform neighbors who may be watching your property that a pet sitter will be making visits to your home.

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